Archive | December, 2011

A Welcome Return

21 Dec

I’m glad to see that Mike Law has done a rapid u-turn and re-started his blog.

GIven the utter uselessness of the 60 Labour councillors when it comes to holding their mayor to account and the spinelessness of the Newham Recorder, Mike’s blog is pretty much the only place where serious questions get asked about what is going on in Newham.

Change for the Better

12 Dec

Apparently it costs the US government 1.8 cents to make each 1 cent coin. Which is nuts, when you consider that a penny is pretty much worthless.

I have no idea how much it costs our government to mint the 1p and 2p coins, but I wouldn’t mind betting it takes a loss on each one.

Why do we still have copper coins? You can’t buy anything with them and they just fill your pockets up needlessly.

It would be far better if we got rid of the 1p and 2p pieces and priced everything to the nearest 5p. No-one would miss them. And it wouldn’t necessarily put prices up, as I can’t see retailers moving their £9.99 price point up to £10 – they’d be more likely to go down to £9.95.

New Zealand got rid of their coppers in the 1980s, and went so far as to abolish the 5 cent coin 5 years ago. They now make change with just a 10, 20 and 50 cent coin.

It’s time we followed suit. So let’s make a change for the better and say goodbye to our copper coins.